Sunday 4 January 2015

Turn Google Hangouts On Air Into Mini-Courses in a Blog

Since I launched PlusYourBusiness, I’ve focused on one main tactic: include as rich a multimedia experience on the blog posts as I can, while remaining useful.
One of the best ways I’ve found to do this is to take an interview and structure it into a mini-course.
So, this is what I do regularly:
Run a Google Hangout On Air. For example, an interview with someone in social media 

I then take that interview and have it transcribed. I edit it into key sections, maybe five or six, adding in branding on the front- and back ends. This helps create a flow in the blog by embedding the YouTube videos into the blog post.
Then I take the original full version of the hangout video and embed that at the end, adding in the transcript for those who like to skim through.
So what’s the main advantage? Well, this way people can structure their own learning experience. They can watch one video at a time instead of risking watching one or two hours of videos.
Google Hangouts On Air can be recorded as live, private events in YouTube as well. So even if you don’t want to have one publicly on Google+, you can still achieve the same result. It really is a great way to make your content work a lot harder on your behalf.
Martin Shervington is the author of The Art and Science of Google+ and a marketing consultant.
Greg Hickman
Recently, my favorite blogging tactic has been to make an audio version of my blog posts to share on my podcast feed. It introduces a whole new set of content to my podcast audience and lets people consume my editorial content in a new, easy and mobile way.
Some bloggers using this tactic are seeing a 2000% increase in exposure. I’m experiencing this on my own site and it’s even created more engagement in the Comment section, surprisingly enough.
There are a few ways to approach this. One, add the audio blog to your current podcast feed. Two, create a separate feed for the audio blog and capitalize on the New and Noteworthy juice in iTunes.
As a content marketer who wants to get your content out to a larger audience, make an audio blog version of your blog post. It’s an extremely powerful way to increase reach and deliver content to your audience on their own terms.

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